March 23, 2007

I am sick. In Hebrew: "My chest pains me". It's not great fun being sick in Ulpan. You miss your own bed, having your own space, your mother, having access to antibiotics without having to argue your case. Israelis are particularly strange when it comes to taking medication, doctors are irritatingly against handing out drugs. Take all the drugs you can get, say I! I have an infection, it won't cure itself!

I seem to have to argue my case all the time out here. Don't take no for an answer, they told us right at the beginning of our Klita. I've been trying to get my phone fixed for 2 weeks, finally today i get it back and they make me PAY for it, and theres no apology just a typical "ma la'asot?". Frustration. And yet with all the frustrations, you cant stay angry too long. You leave the shop, you fume for a little while and dwell on all the madnesses involved in being here and eventually you look up and see something that makes you smile. I'm constantly finding things to smile about in Israel. In England, it felt as if I was constantly grimacing, or hearing or something awful, another stabbing, another mugging. It happens here too, but somehow the good outweighs the bad, and I never felt that in London.

On Monday I go back, a few days before Pesach. I've never been away from my family for the Pesach chag and I'm so excited to see them all. I'm less excited to actually be in England again. It feels as if I only just escaped! And then onto Italy... *sigh. Cannot wait. Holiday! Head-space. Just my family and random people I dont know. No crazies, no 150 other Olim. Yay!

Chag kasher v'sameach xxx

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