April 05, 2009

Not to flip out but... am smiling really loudly. It's what blogs were made for. Smiling out loud. So, it turns out that this dude is kind of awesome. Not even kind of, he IS awesome. He is just a bit fantastic. Messages turned into phone calls turned into meeting turned into hot chocolate in the park last night turned into kissing turned into more talking. Interesting and warm and kind, a bit mad and genuine and honest and funny. And a great kisser. And a great complimenter. And open with his feelings and thoughts, to balance my general reticence and Englishyness. I don't know how it's possible that I feel so... open?to somebody that I've known for a week. But I do. I do, really, like him. He sends me a song-a-day on facebook, just to chill to at work. He wrote a song (how come all Israeli men play the guitar? Is it a required class in primary school?) I'm hoping he doesn't disappear while I'm away for the next 10 days. He reassures me the situation is not likely to change in 10 days, but understands that I'm mad and insecure. Also, you can just never tell what will possess people. If he's still in the picture when I return, this will be one very happy jam fiend.


Katie said...


Gabi said...

hey dannii.. i hope im not intruding here! but i just want to tell you that reading your thoughts has brightened my day xxxx