Why has nobody else seen this film Water Babies? They speak in cockney accents, it's mostly about a chimney sweep called Thomas Aquinas Something or Other who follows these two thieves around the Yorkshire Dales plotting to steal from the rich folks at Harthover Hall. When they get there, he meets elfin-like girl Ellie who helps him escape from the nasty thief people.. but in the process is accused of being the thief and has to jump into a stream to escape. Because you know.. thats the only way out. Then the film turns into a cartoon and all the fish start singing.
It's brilliant! There are Liverpudlian otters and a creepy, hypnotist woman called Mrs.DoAsYouWouldBeDoneBy who keeps appearing at random moments. Thinking about it now, there must be a philosophical message to this bizarre film. The real St. Thomas Aquinas based his teachings on knowing G-d through both reason, and spiritual revelation. He claimed he once heard a voice from a cross speak directly to him. In the film, Tom wanders into Ellie's pristine, glaringly white bedroom and looks into a mirror. He touches his nose to check he's there, then asks Ellie what the cross on the wall is about.
I used to watch ths film with my little brother.. I think we just loved singing along with the camp green seahorse Terrence, the Scottish lobster and the nasty northern shark.
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